
Friday, May 27, 2011

Hot Morning, Hot Cereal

Good Morning!
I am up unusually early today. Even before the coffee was done! Don't worry, I am already working on my first cup:
Love those coasters we brought back from Costa Rica!

This morning I made a nice warm bowl of grains for breakfast. It is a little warm out for hot cereal, but I can't resist making this when I have the time in the morning.
The cereal is a blend of ground wheat, spelt, and barley. I cooked it on the stove with a little soy milk and water. It has a porridge-like consistency, sort of like Cream of Wheat but with a little more chew. I like mine a little on the soupy side. I also love it with a tablespoon of peanut butter melting on top and a sprinkle of unsweetened coconut.
The cereal is from Gianforte Farm in Cazenovia. Mom picked it up at the Foodshed a few weeks ago, and I loved it so much I basically stole it from her. Thanks Mom!
If you never used the Foodshed, check out the link. It is an online store where local farms sell produce, meat, cheese, pretty much anything. You submit your order online and then go pick up your order at the end of the week. I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of local produce. Mom is a big fan and has gotten some great stuff there.
I am off to find the peanut butter that has now sunk to the bottom of my bowl. And later this weekend I will show you what I did with that pineapple I had lurking in my kitchen all week.
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Never too warm for oatmeal but overnight oats are perfect in the summer, and I want that cereal back, kidding, but I will join you for a bowl soon!
