
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Boilermaker Mile

I feel like I have been eating nothing but leftovers this week! Probably because I still haven't made it to the grocery store. After work yesterday I opted to bake cookies before the gym instead of restocking our fridge.

Healthy(er) Oatmeal Honey Cookies:

Excellent with my morning coffee. I'll post the recipe for them this weekend.

For dinner yesterday I had leftover grilled pizza that we made on Sunday night.

On the side: a salad of tomato, cucumber, onion, arugula, and balsamic.

Mine had ricotta with herbs.  Jerry's was a BBQ pizza. He put leftover smoked pork butt and BBQ sauce on his, along with onions (of course!) and Monterrey jack cheese.
Sadie clearly preferred his pizza.
We finished the salad for lunches this week, but last night I reheated two slices of the white pizza. I chopped them into bite size pieces and I ate them like croutons over a bed of baby lettuce covered in hot sauce. I forgot to take a picture before I inhaled it.

Tonight Jerry is running in the Boilermaker Mile. It is a one mile invitational race that covers mile 4-5 of the Boilermaker 15k. He is hoping to better his time from last year (just under 5 minutes, on a slightly different course).
I'm off to cheer him on and then meet some co-workers for a beer at Nail Creek Pub and Brewery. And I have no idea what we are having for dinner. I am letting my speedy husband pick tonight!

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