
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Busy busy

What a busy week! That means quick meals!
This week's favorite quick breakfast has been toast. A nice thick slice of the multigrain loaf I got at the farmer's market last week.
This really is the best bread I have ever had. So chewy and grainy in the middle. And even more delicious covered in almond butter and blueberry jam.
Its going to be a steamy 94 degrees out today. So I am thinking maybe a nice salad for dinner. Grilled tuna on top maybe? No ideas for a side dish. Maybe another peice of toast!
What is your favorite hot weather dinner?


  1. That bread looks like a meal in itself!! What farmers market do you go to??

  2. Heidelberg was selling bread at the Hamilton farmer's market last week. I would definitely recommend a trip down there. And Utica is going to have a farmer's market at the train station on Saturdays starting the 25th!

  3. I say salad or cereal...and another slice of toast :)

  4. Salad - but not just any salad. I'm talking baby spinach, grilled chicken, avocado, craisins and goat cheese (maybe red onion, too). Slivered almonds are always a good way to top it off :)

  5. Jess, that was pretty much my dinner, minus the chicken and avocado!

  6. Before I read the comments (I didn't realize who made the bread), I was going to say something about Heidelberg bread and how wonderful it is... ha. I could eat a whole loaf.

  7. Suzanne, I am obsessed with Heidelberg, and this was the best yet! I am thinking it might be because it was unsliced. Nice and chewy inside!
