
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dinner Fail

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, dinner can turn into a disaster. This happened to me tonight. I'm not even really sure what went wrong....
I seared a piece of tuna, seasoned simply with salt and lots of black pepper. I nearly smoked myself out of the kitchen, but I was happy with the way the tuna was cooked.
Med-high, 2-3 minutes per side
I had it with an ear of corn I steamed in the microwave, and some leftover farro salad from last night.
Looked pretty, tasted crappy.
This was the chewiest ear of corn I have ever eaten. Maybe it was overcooked? The tuna had a weird stringy texture, and was under-seasoned, despite the extra black pepper. The leftover salad was tasty, but the red onion had gotten stronger since last night.
Overall, this was very disappointing. Maybe it was the combination of foods? The whole thing was just unappetizing. I normally inhale my food, but this was definitely not the case tonight.
To cheer myself up I made myself a delicious drink.
I have recently discovered vanilla seltzer. It tastes like unsweetened cream soda. I am in love. To my sparkles I added a scoop of coffee ice cream. Yum! This was nice after my dinner failure.
I'm off to curl up on the couch with the newest issue of Cook's Illustrated. If that doesn't cheer a food blogger up, nothing will!


  1. It must have been because I wasn't home to eat with you!

  2. True. But I would have hated if we both had to eat that!
