
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Herbs and Oats

Saturday my friend Kristin and I ventured out to the farmer's market in Hamilton, NY. They set up the market on the village green. It was a 40 minute drive, but was totally worth it! I came away with some great stuff; some jams, more herbs to plant, some arugula to plant, an amazing loaf of crusty multi-grain bread from Heidelberg, a bag of spicy baby lettuces, and some rhubarb and kale for Mom.
Arugula, parsley, chives, basil

When I woke up this morning I was so tempted to eat the remaining half loaf of bread (lets not talk about where the other half went). But I had picked up some sunflower butter on my last visit to Peter's Cornucopia with Mom, and I have been dying to try it on my oatmeal. Along with the no-sugar blueberry jam I got at the farmer's market.
I decided to go with Scottish Oats, some fresh blueberries, a dollop of jam, a sprinkle of granola, and a drizzle (or two!) of sunflower butter. It was so good I wanted to eat it all over again.
There are a few blueberries buried underneath all that good stuff!
The Scottish oats were both creamy and chewy. And so thick! I am debating if the texture might even be better than my spelt, wheat, barley blend I have been making. The blueberry jam was delicious and not sweet, just what I was hoping for. I was so happy to find a no-sugar jam without artificial sweeteners in it. But the best part was definitely the sunflower butter. All the yumminess of sunflower seeds without all the work of shelling them!
Jerry joined me for breakfast outside.
All the butter on his toast made me drool a little. I love toast.
Heidelberg French Peasant and scrambled eggs with scallions and pepper jack cheese. He also stole a few of my blueberries.
I will update later with a healthy Sunday dinner by Mom. Featuring a rhubarb dessert!


  1. Love your breakfast!, for me... I may have sampled one too many pistachio/cranberry biscotti!

  2. Mmmmm, sounds great. Send some down our way!

  3. I would love some unsweetened jam! Both breakfasts look yum.

  4. Love morning breakfasts with you! ...the bacon was missing, but will make an appearance on my plate next time!!!
