
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Waitin' On a Sunny Day*

Where did the sun go?! It has been raining and cloudy for five days straight. I have my fingers crossed for today, but it is completely overcast right now.
The weather was not great for the Oneida County Public Market yesterday, but Jerry, Mom, and I made the most of it.

There were about twenty vendors there, selling everything from food, jewelry, crafts, honey, and produce. It is still early in the growing season around here, and I am hoping as the summer continues there will be a little bit more produce. But I did pick up some peas in the pod and some peaches (not local).
One of my favorite booths was the Jones Family Farm. The goat cheese was amazing! You could also order eggs, chicken, and goat meat.
Mom and I both tried a sample of the chevre and loved it. Mom had gotten some of their plain from the Foodshed before, so she got a fig flavored one. I got the  Lemon Thyme. I haven't tried mine yet but my brother and I inhaled the fig flavored one yesterday. Mom barely got a taste! I loved the tangy cheese and the sweet fig together. And it was so creamy. Can't wait to try mine.
Next we stopped at Wild Mountain Apiaries from Cold Brook, NY.  As soon as I tasted their Honey Balsamic Dressing I knew I had to have it.
Can't wait to try this on a salad!
We tasted a local wine from Domhnall Vineyards in Herkimer. I may have to buy their Vignoles next time I am there. Our final stop was at the Ingles Maple Products booth where I got some Hot Maple Mustard. Then we made a beeline to the car in order to avoid the rain.
For it's first week in operation, I would say it appeared to go pretty well. There was a decent crowd and a variety of vendors. With better weather and more produce, this will be a great weekend market. 

I ate about 90% of those peas as soon as I got home yesterday. I love fresh, crunchy peas!

Today we are headed to Brooks House of BBQ in Oneonta for lunch with the Tylutkis (my first time to Brooks! Will try to take photos). Then we are headed to the Cooperstown Dreams Park to watch some baseball. My godfather and cousin are up from Delaware to play in a tournament there all week. I love when Sundays are full of family!
Fingers crossed for the sun to make an appearance!

*I know a few of you will appreciate the Boss reference! ;)


  1. reference appreciated :) ya at the ballpark!

  2. I want to check it out next weekend! How was Brooks? It is Brian & Hill's favorite but I've never been.

  3. @Lauren: you mean two weeks, we have to come visit you first! Brooks was pretty good, but I have to say my father in law makes a better chicken BBQ! Maybe I can beg Jerry to let me share the family recipe. I think he keeps it locked in our safe!
