
Saturday, July 16, 2011

All Class

Holy sunshine! What a gorgeous day! It was a little too hot for blueberry picking, but I checked off the other two tasks on my Saturday to-do list.
First, a 5 mile run. Its been over a year since I ran that far, so I was a little worried this morning. I kept reminding myself that Jerry was out running 16 miles, so surely I could handle 5. I left at 9:30 and it was already hot. I finished a sweaty mess, but feeling pretty good.

I rewarded myself with an overnight oat smoothie. Last I night I put everything in a jar in the fridge; oats, soy milk, chia seeds, frozen strawberries. In the morning I added some yogurt, and blended it together. I finished it with granola and sunflower butter on top.

This was a giant bowl of breakfast! It kept me full for hours.
I had a little iced coffee on the side.

Jerry and I stopped by the farmer's market and picked up some zucchini, goat cheese, and a bottle of local wine (Vidal Blanc).
More vendors and lots more produce than the first week
And local sweet corn in is season! I picked up 6 ears and can't wait to try it. Maybe grilled on this:

Jerry's new grill! Ours is quite literally falling apart, and since we grill 3-4 times a week in the summer, a new one was a necessity. Jerry is so excited. I'm not sure if there is anything that makes a man happier than a new grill.

Jerry is helping out with hay at the farm, so I was solo for dinner tonight. I started by making myself a cocktail. I am not much of a mixologist (I'm definitely a wine girl), but this drink wasn't half bad.

Pina Colada Martini
  • juice of half a lime
  • 1-2 ounces of pineapple juice
  • 1 shot of vanilla vodka
  • 1 ounce light coconut milk
  • splash of pina colada seltzer (I used Polar brand, it is naturally flavored)
Put first four ingredients in cocktail shaker with a handful of ice. Shake, pour, and top with a splash of seltzer.
Since this was a 'martini' I used vodka. But you can certainly use rum if you are looking for a more traditional pina colada taste. This is obviously much less decadent than a real pina colada, but it has to be less than half of the calories.

For dinner I sauteed some pole beans in garlic, olive oil, and crushed red pepper. I also cooked one of the veggie burgers that I made last week and had put in the freezer. I threw it all on a bed of lettuce with some artichokes, homemade croutons, and the last of the Caesar dressing.

Since I was having such a classy evening with my martini and all, I poured myself a glass of sparkling water.

My new chalkboard glass that my mom got me
I even put my napkin on my lap.

Dining for one never felt so classy!


  1. I like this post so much - not only are there great pictures, but I never think to make a nice dinner when Jeremy isn't home (it's usually leftovers). Maybe next time he goes out to happy hour with the boys, I'll have a little happy hour/dinner of my own!

  2. Hey, Erin! Sorry to bug ya this way, but we couldn't find an email. Hoping to invite you to something this Friday in New Berlin. Let us know if you'd be interested! Tweet us @chobani-- thanks!
