
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Boilermaker Weekend

The Boilermaker always makes me proud to be a Utican, and this weekend was no exception.

On Friday Jerry and I had dinner with my sister and brother in law, Jess and Jeremy. Jess is an amazing photographer and gave me a few tips on shooting food photos.We talked aperture, shutter speed, lighting, and lots more! Then we enjoyed a delicious steak dinner.

2009 Malbec, two thumbs up
New York Strip and grilled portobellos

Saturday we were off to pick up Boilermaker race packets at the Expo. Somebody was psyched to get a white (semi-elite) bib!
I also attended my friend Emily's baby shower on Saturday. Emily and her husband are expecting their first child (a girl!) in August. The shower was held at the Rome Art and Community Center, which was beautiful.

Then it was time to carbo load for the race! The weather was gorgeous on Saturday so the runners ate and hydrated outside. We had whole wheat spaghetti, meatballs, salad, and garlic bread. Those of us who weren't running had a few Saranacs.

Today was a gorgeous day to run a 15k!
Jerry ran a personal best of 55:53! It seems like every race he runs, he gets faster. I was such a proud wife today.

And my sister Lauren finished her first Boilermaker! My brother in law Brett ran his second.

Lookin' good at mile 9!
 We enjoyed a few beers at the post race party with friends and family.

Congrats Brett and Lauren!
Overall it was a fantastic, busy weekend. The Boilermaker is one of my favorite events of the year. The whole city comes out to support the race. Running the race last year was so rewarding, but spectating is also a great experience. It seems like everybody in town knows somebody that runs, and it is so much fun to watch the thousands of people that run by and cheer for your friends and family.
Congratulations to all the runners today who made it 9.3 miles in the best 15k in the country!

1 comment:

  1. It was a super fun, packed weekend! :-) Thanks for the awesome shower gifts!
