
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Feelin' Fast

What a beautiful morning for a run! I managed to get up and get 3 miles in this morning. The temperature was a cool 58 degrees.

It has been about a week since my last run, so I am not surprised that my legs felt pretty good today. After an 11 minute first mile warm-up, I kept the pace under 10 minutes. That is fast for me! I'm feeling pretty good heading into the Ranger Run 5k on Saturday. Hoping to beat my time of 31:52 last year.

I am rewarding myself with a jar of overnight oats for breakfast. Almond milk, chia seeds, rolled oats. And blueberries! Picked by yours truly yesterday afternoon.

Floating on top is leftover blueberry crisp from last night. Oh yes, I put it in my breakfast. Not even feeling guilty about it.
I didn't get a good picture of the crisp when it came out of the oven last night. I guess that means I will have to make another one!

Tonight is a date night for me and Jer. We are going to see Medea at the Glimmerglass Festival, in Cooperstown. 
I am so excited. We won tickets to see an opera there last year (Puccini's Tosca), and it was incredible. We had never been to an opera before, and we were a little nervous. But we both loved it. The Alice Busch Opera House is casual and open. The grounds are beautiful, and we ordered a picnic dinner to have outside before the show.
A pretty dress, a picnic, a show, and my husband. I can't think of a better date night!

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