
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

13.1 or Bust

I have asked Jerry, oh 80, 90 times if he thinks I can run this half marathon in September. The first 80 times I asked he would say "Absolutely!" or "Of course you can!", and "You'll do awesome!". The last 10 times or so he said "Yes, honey". That is Jerry code for 'How many times are you going to ask me this before September 25th'?
I think he was relieved yesterday when all I asked was if he wanted to do my 4 mile run with me. Despite being (literally) twice as fast as me, he always says yes when I ask him to run with me.
We made it a family affair.

We ran and chatted at a slow pace. Even Sadie wanted to run faster! Which of course made me ask Jer four more times if I could finish 13.1 miles.

Which of course, he (again) assured me I could do. Best running partner/husband ever.
Sadie loves to run with Jerry, and can run up to 5 miles with him. So she had no problem with my slow pace.
But her tongue was practically dragging on the ground afterwards!

Somebody get that dog a bowl of water!
We had to wait for a passing storm before we ran, so dinner was a little late last night. It didn't help that the expensive piece of wild sockeye salmon I bought was full of bones. I had to pick them out with tweezers before we grilled it. Chomping down on a bone while I'm eating really freaks me out.

We grilled the salmon with some and zucchini and had a side of wild rice.

The fish had a gremolata on top, made with herbs, lemon zest, garlic, jalapeno, and almonds. I'll post a recipe once it is perfected.
Served with a glass of Gewurztraminer. Refreshing and slightly sweet. We gave it an 8/10.

Chateau Ste Michelle 2009, Columbia Valley
Today is a rest day on my training schedule, although I may do a yoga DVD if I have time. I've been feeling all sorts of weird aches and pains the last few weeks. I'm also in the market for a new yoga DVD.
Any suggestions?


  1. I love your family run!
    I don't really have much experience with yoga but I bought the Biggest Loser Yoga for Weight Loss and it was so hard! So if you are looking for something to make you sweat it is a good one.

  2. I have Bethenny Frankel's Body By Bethenny, not a big fan of her but the yoga instructor, Kristin McGee, is very good. Plus, I got it through Amazon so I have it via their OnDemand service and on DVD.
