
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Holding on to Summer

I love fall. It's my favorite season. Crisp air, over-sized sweaters, anything pumpkin flavored.
And while the 50 degree temperatures this morning were a nice change, I don't think I am quite ready to let go of summer. I could use a few more weeks of tank tops and flip flops. Plus I like to look out the kitchen window and see this:

Summer is also my excuse to eat pizza every week. Are you getting sick of grilled pizza? Clearly, I am not.

I've been loving the whole wheat crust lately. So crispy!
These pizzas had sauce, cheese, arugula, grilled vegetables, and more cheese. The eggplant was the best!
Jerry has upped his mileage to 60 miles per week for his marathon training. I find sneaking extra cheese into his dinner is a good way to make sure he is getting enough calories. I used an entire 8oz block of mozzarella on two pizzas.
We also had lunch at Dinosaur BBQ, so I am sure neither of us were at a shortage of calories yesterday. Their pulled pork is worth every calorie!

I'm taking advantage of the cool morning by making a steamy bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.
This afternoon I am running 3 miles with Mom.
And an online purchase I have been anxiously awaiting is supposed to arrive today!!!

1 comment:

  1. too Fall for me!
    I want to keep summer for awhile longer.
    though I am missing pumpkin too.
