
Monday, August 29, 2011

Lasagna Two Ways

What is a better rainy Sunday dinner than lasagna?

Maybe two lasagnas?

I spent hours yesterday making these beauties. The first was made with sausage, ricotta, and tomato sauce. The second is vegetables, ricotta, and a Gorgonzola bechamel.

Jerry has been busy at work with the new semester starting, and had to go in yesterday to make sure everything was set for classes on Monday. I stayed home and cooked, cleaned, and did laundry. I rocked my pink floral apron all day. I felt so domestic.

We usually alternate having dinner with our parents on Sundays. But it was nice to stay at home, which is something we rarely ever do.

Since it was Sunday, I skipped our usual eating-on-TV-trays routine.

We had salad, garlic bread, and a Sauvignon Blanc on the side.
It was so hard deciding which lasagna to eat! I decided to go with the 'traditional' one, and save the veggie one for dinner tonight. No surprise that Jerry also went with the sausage.

This tasted wonderful, even though I am not a huge Italian sausage fan. I used homemade pasta that I had in my freezer from the last time I made pasta. I love the texture of the homemade pasta. It was nice and light, and let the other flavors shine through.
My only complaint about the dinner was that the lasagna came out a little watery. It didn't affect the taste at all, it just didn't look very pretty. This has happened both times I have used homemade pasta. I wonder if that could be the culprit? Was the part skim ricotta too watery? Maybe I should bake it uncovered as opposed to covered?

Lasagna is more of a method than a recipe. And while it is a little time consuming, it is certainly not difficult. Plus, these will feed us for a week. Lasagna is a leftover I never get tired of eating.

What did you cook while waiting out Irene?


  1. We had the same kind of weekend! Brett made gnocchi and pork ragu. I made brownies and a LOT of coffee :)
    There was bacon involved at some point too!
    Turned out to be a pretty relaxing weekend.

  2. Delish! I love the Vera apron. I wear mine all the time, even when I am just heating something quickly on the stovetop. :)

  3. Both trays of lasagna look fantastic I made sauce with farmers market tomatoes and stuffed heirloom tomatoes. Irene brought out the chef in many people.
    After consulting your aunts, perhaps less of a sauce on bottom of pan and then only sauce on first layer...but as you said the taste was wonderful.

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