
Monday, September 19, 2011

Pumking Finish

Do woodchucks have tails?
If not, then I definitely saw a beaver while running on Saturday.
I have no photographic evidence to prove this, but that seems to be the story of my weekend.

On Saturday morning I ran just over 8 miles in 1:24. It took me 30 minutes longer to run 10 miles last week, but I am still not feeling super confident about the half marathon.
It is now 6 days away!

After my run I caught up with my friend Emily, who was in town visiting with her 6 week old bundle of joy, Lillian. What an adorable, happy baby! Congratulations Em and Mike!

Afterward Jerry and I had a church dinner to go to, then my friend Denny was performing as part of the Utica Music and Arts Fest. I'm always blown away by his talent. I could listen to him sing all day. And you should, too.

On Sunday Jerry ran the 2011 Delta Lake Half Marathon. It was a beautiful chilly, sunny morning. I really wish my camera hadn't died.
He ran a personal best time of 1:19.
I swear he gets faster every time he runs. I was so proud.

iPhone pic from the finish

My mom, aunt, and I spent Sunday afternoon at the Munson Williams Proctor Arts Institute. They had an exhibit called Wedded Perfection: Two Centuries of Wedding Gowns that we had been dying to see. Sunday was the last day, and it was very crowded, but definitely worth it. There were more than 50 gowns on display, on it was so interesting to see all of the different styles and fabrics. My aunt even saw a dress almost exactly like her own wedding dress!

We also happened to luck out, because another exhibit had just opened; Ansel Adams: Masterworks. I have always loved Ansel Adams, and have a print of his (Yosemite Falls) hanging in my office at work. This exhibit was a collection of 48 photographs that Adams himself deemed as his best work.
For anyone on the Utica area, I would highly recommend a trip to see this exhibit.

Jerry and I finished the weekend on the couch watching football, eating chicken riggies, and drinking pumpkin beer.
Southern Tier Pumking Imperial Pumpkin Ale, to be exact.

Overall, I really liked this beer. It had a rich, malty flavor, with plenty of cinnamon/nutmeg spice. Pumking has 8.6% alcohol, but doesn't taste overly heavy. This was one of the more complex pumpkin beers we have tried. The pumpkin flavor was pronounced and the beer was slightly sweet. It made for an excellent dessert.
Overall, I would give this beer a 9/10.

This week I will have to trade the pumpkin brews for lots of water, but I have a few more reviews lined up.


  1. So good to see you, Miss Erin! I didn't get to the sauce yesterday like I planned, but this week for sure! :)

  2. It was a great weekend...and I NEVER had Pumking...since I am not hydrating I will try and extra you might have.
