
Monday, October 17, 2011

The Naughtiest Coonhound

I didn't do a whole lot of cooking this weekend.
I did do some good eating.
I recently discovered sour cream donuts. Crispy and glazed on the outside, soft and slightly sour on the inside. Heaven.
I also had a great dinner at a Cambodian restaurant to celebrate my brother in law's birthday. If you are ever at The Lotus Garden, I highly recommend the Bee Bong. Thin noodles in a peanut broth, with lots of crunchy lettuce, basil, and bean sprouts. I want to eat that dish again, ASAP.

What I did do this weekend was take pictures of Sadie.

The coonhound has been acting up lately.

Getting in to the garbage and eating a 2 lb London broil that I pulled out of the freezer from circa 2009.
Spreading the contents of the bathroom garbage all over the floor. Gross.
Eating the entire contents of the fruit bowl: 2 bananas, 2 pears, 2 tomatoes, and a plum.
We never found the plum pit.
Most recently she chewed up one of my  nail files. Maybe she just needs a manicure?

She has literally (ok, mostly figuratively) been in the dog house.

This weekend I caught her enjoying her two favorite activites. Besides eating treats in her dog house.

Playing outside with Jerry.

And relaxing in front of the fire place.

This is where you can find Sadie for the next six months.

No more pictures, please.


  1. Awww, I love hearing Sadie news, she will be better, she was just angry that summer is so gone!!

  2. She is such a ham! Your dinnersounded delish, I definitely want to try Cambodian food now.
