
Monday, November 14, 2011

First Snow, First Pomegranate

I did a whole lot of relaxing this weekend.

I watched the first snowfall on Friday morning in front of the fireplace.

It snowed giant flakes that didn't stick around for long.

I caught up with my friend Melissa and her adorable 5 month old, Josie.

I ate many leftovers.

Acorn squash, salmon, spring mix, farro salad.

I helped Jerry time a road race.

Helped plan my sister in law's baby shower.

Ate too many sour cream donuts.

With a mug of warm apple cider. Sugar overload!

And Jerry and I shared a favorite winter time snack.

Pomegranates are in season!

Its almost as exciting as the first snow when we see these in the produce department.

My Mom always bought pomegranates when we were kids, but I didn't know too many other kids that ate them.
Jerry had never tried one before, so I had him try one a few years ago.
He was instantly in love.
There is nothing better than crushing the bright red fruit in your mouth and getting a burst of juice!

There are a few things to look for when picking out a good pomegranate.
  • A dark red, uniform color
  • No blemishes
  • No soft spots
There are tons of ways to remove the arils (seeds) from the bitter white inside. (Just check YouTube).

I cut about halfway through the fruit and then pull it apart.
It is a messy process, and I do not suggest wearing white while eating a pomegranate.
I choose to cover myself in a layer of paper towels and use my fingers to eat the seeds.
It takes more time to eat them that way, and frankly, its more fun.

Pomegranates have become quite trendy lately, so I am sure you have heard that they are chock full of vitamins (C and B6), folic acid, and antioxidants.
Half a pomegranate has about 110 calories and 5 grams of fiber.

Super food, super snack!

Have you ever eaten a pomegranate?


  1. I finally took your advice and set up my Google Reader, it really is a great service so, thanks!

    I have never eaten a pomegranate, but now I feel like I have to pick one up next trip to the grocery store.

  2. 3 pomegranates in the fruit method of eating is like yours, knock them out a few at a time but your AM..emptied the whole fruit into a bowl and then sat down with a spoon!

  3. yummmm....sour cream donuts! I should probably take your advice and try pomegranates :) I had a great time planning Poppyseed's shower, and I'm sure he'll love his new NYC bib!

  4. Isn't Google Reader great?!
    And I definitely recommend you both try a pomegranate!
