
Monday, November 28, 2011

Let the Holidays Begin

I had to dust off my computer this morning.
I haven't blogged in almost a week!

I hope every one's Thanksgiving was as nice as mine.
Full of friends, family, and food!

Official Turkey Carver

On the road to dinner #2!

Beautiful table

Not bad for meal #2!
Mom's beautiful apple pie

Eating two Thanksgiving dinners can be rough. I managed to do pretty well until dessert. That's when I got the uncomfortable 'I ate way too much' feeling.

Luckily, we started the day off at the Turkey Trot.
Mom and I walked and Jerry and a few of our friends ran the 5k.
But Seamus was the big hit of the Trot! 

Thanksgiving was also my nephew Elliott's 5th birthday.

We celebrated on Saturday with cake and presents.
Check out the adorable Spiderman cake my sister in law Sara made:

Needless to say I am starting the week feeling sluggish and heavy. But I am determined not to eat my way right through until Christmas.
I have some light, healthy meals planned for the week, filled with lots of veggies and whole grains.

I also think I am going to start walking Sadie in the mornings.
As it gets colder, Sadie spends less and less time outside. I think it is important that she gets a little more exercise. (Me too!)
This may throw off my blogging schedule a little, so we'll see how it goes.

Jerry and I finished off the weekend by cranking up the Christmas tunes on Pandora, making some hot cocoa, and decorating the house for the holiday.

Happy Holidays!

Did you already break out the Christmas decorations?

1 comment:

  1. Our building does nothing for decorations but we did set up our Nativity set last night!
