
Friday, November 18, 2011

Let It Snow

I woke up this morning and for a split second thought it was Saturday.

But then I saw this!

Not enough to have to shovel, and just enough to make everything look pretty.

I've been dealing with some stomach issues the past few days, and I was completely unmotivated when it came to making dinner.
I forced myself to get chopping and made a quick pot of soup.

Mama Pea's Spicy African Peanut Stew.

A comforting blend of sweet potatoes, lentils, chick peas, tomatoes, and coconut milk. Topped with peanuts and sour cream.
Normally this soup goes in the crock pot, but it worked just as well simmering on the stove for an hour.

I only had a taste of the Beaujolais yesterday.

Just what I was hoping for; light and fruity. I tasted hints of strawberry, and Jerry said he appreciated the lack of 'bite' at the finish.
Had I been in the mood for drinking, it would have been perfect for the spicy stew.

And the spicy green beans!

My friend Kristin gave me this jar of homemade pickled Dilly Beans this summer and I had forgotten about them.
I opened them up last night to try.
They tasted like a delicious spicy pickle.
I have a feeling this jar won't last very long.

Our weekend plans include pizza, a brewery tour with our friends Kevin and Sara, and a coffee house to hear some friend's play some music.

I'm off to eat my oatmeal and watch the snow fall.
Happy Friday!


  1. That is a happy start to a Friday! I had more than a taste of the beaujolais yesterday and really liked it.
    I have to try that peanut stew soon!

  2. My Dad makes dilly green beans... I could eat a whole jar in one sitting if you let me.

  3. What exactly is a dilly bean? Or is that just a cute name for the pickled green beans?

  4. Pickled but they get the name because one of the main ingredients is dill. Also hot pepper, mustard seed and garlic. I am obsessed.
