
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Little Extra Sleep

Sometimes you just need to sleep until 7am.
And for some reason today Sadie let me.
It was nice to get up when the sun was already up.

But that means the recipe for last night's Utica favorite will have to wait.

In the mean time, here is a peek at the killer dinner Lauren and Brett made the night before the marathon.

Roasted butternut squash risotto. This came out so creamy, thanks to putting the squash through a food mill, and loads of pecorino cheese.
There were roasted veggies; orange beets, red-skinned turnips, brussels sprouts, and onions.
And a delicious grilled pork chop topped with an warm apple/onion/cranberry/walnut chutney.

Jerry ate a giant plate of the risotto, and a little of my pork chop.

Jerry said his back started to tighten up about half way through the race, but he never hit the that runner's "wall" that so many marathoners talk about.
I'll chalk it up to good carbo loading, and excellent risotto!

Aside from working on last night's recipe, I have big plans for a workout this afternoon.
A strength training DVD and a nice walk with Sadie.
It is unseasonably warm here, and I want to take advantage of the few remaining daylight hours after work.

Happy Hump Day!


  1. I think this will have to go in to my rotation of favorite fall meals. I am not a huge fan of butternut squash but when it is in risotto with a lot of cheese it is delicious.

  2. Yeah, that risotto was fantastic!

  3. I bragged about Brett's cooking too! I am going to try risotto soon...never made it.
    Great day for outside time, you know winter has to come some time soon.

  4. That looks awesome!
