
Monday, January 30, 2012

18 Week Update

Little Baby T is 18 weeks old!

4 Weeks
18 Weeks!
Baby T: is 5 1/2 inches and 7 ounces. About the size of a bell pepper or a sweet potato!
I also think maybe I felt the baby move a few times, but I am not really sure. Its hard to tell whats going on in there....

Weight: So far I have gained 7 pounds, but I get officially weighed at the doctor's office tomorrow.

Cravings:  Guacamole, Doritos, eggs

I'm currently obsessing over two baby related things; the nursery, and whether or not to find out the sex of Baby T.

I just can't decide what furniture to put in our nursery. I found a crib I love but can't decide on dressers or a changing table.
Which leads me to the next dilemma...

Whether or not to find out if Baby T is a boy or a girl?
I have been leaning towards not finding out. I'm not exactly sure why, I think I just want to be surprised when our baby is born.
It would be easier to decorate the nursery, but I am not really concerned about that.
(Mom and sisters would disagree, as they really, really want to go shopping!)

Tomorrow we have an anatomy sonogram scheduled, so we have to decide soon!
I am also really anxious to see that Baby T is developing properly, and I don't anticipate sleeping very well tonight.

Looking forward to seeing Baby T!


  1. you look great, Rin! Best wishes tomorrow, you'll know what to do. :)

  2. ahhh! Im not going to sleep much either. Looking forward to picture and maybe maybe ...THE NEWS!
    It is a decision for mommy and daddy of course.

  3. Can't wait to hear from you today. If you don't tell me if it is a boy or a girl I am just going to start buying boy and girl stuff from a store with a good return policy!!!
