
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Feeling the "Burn"

I had some mild pregnancy symptoms in my first trimester:
  • a little nausea that wasn't bad as long as I kept food in my stomach. I was lucky enough to never actually get sick
  • acne for a few weeks, especially by my jawline. This has since calmed down a little.
  • sore boobs
  • lack of interest in food
  • some digestive issues (I won't go into detail on those, but I have never been so aware of my digestive system in my life)
  • and the usual fatigue
Thankfully almost most of these symptoms have faded now that Baby T is 15 weeks.
Except one.


I have had heartburn from almost the day that I got pregnant.
It has nothing to do with the tiny little one growing inside me. Yet.

I have suffered from acid reflux (GERD) since I was 21.
I blame it on all the cheap gin I drank in college.

I have always been able to manage my heartburn with a prescription PPI (Nexium, Prilosec, etc).
Unfortunately, you cannot take those medications while pregnant, as they can cause birth defects.

At first I thought I might be ok, since my heartburn has always been worse when I drink coffee or alcohol. Since I haven't been drinking either of those, I thought my symptoms might not be so bad.
It doesn't seem to make any difference what foods I eat, I have heartburn nearly every single day.

For now I am managing to get by just chewing Tums or chugging Maalox. But I am a little concerned about when Baby T actually starts to cause the heartburn.
How could it possibly get worse?!

That being said, I have stopped limiting things in my diet that might give me heartburn (orange juice, tomatoes, spicy food).
I'm going to get heartburn anyway, I might as well eat what I like.

Take last night's dinner:

Layered bean dip with plenty of jalapenos.
I made my own re-fried black beans with onion, garlic, jalapenos, and spices.
I layered it in a dish with cheese, salsa, lettuce, tomatoes, homemade guacamole, and sour cream.
Eaten with blue corn chips as utensils.

Here are a few of my other heartburn inducing meals from last week:

A Five Guys Little Cheeseburger and fries

Scrambles eggs with onion, ham, tomatoes, avocado, and covered in hot sauce
The most delicious BLT ever; with avocado, onion, and Sriracha sauce

I have a feeling the heartburn is sticking around for the next few months.....

1 comment:

  1. so funny! go down swingin'!
    For the next 25 weeks you can be the boss of that baby...after that well, the boss will be baby :)
    can't wait.
    pictures are really great.
