
Friday, March 30, 2012

Busy in the Kitchen

I have certainly been busy in the kitchen this week.
I've come a long way from the first trimester when the thought of preparing food nauseated me!


Arugula pesto with grilled chicken:

A guacamole snack while I cooked dinner

Not the most attractive meal, due to the brown whole wheat pasta. But so yummy!


I found this recipe for Cheesy Brown Rice Gratin with Zucchini and Eggplant in the March issue of Cooking Light.

I sauteed all the veggies and used pine nuts (instead of walnuts) and feta (instead of Parmesan).

The recipe looked a little bland, so I thought the feta might give it a little more flavor.

Upon first bite I thought that it was bland.
But the more I ate, the more I liked it.
The toasted pine nuts on top were delicious.

Although it took a lot of prep time, I would make this again as a side dish.

I wasn't feeling so great. I think I am having some issues with pregnancy related rhinitis, which is causing post nasal drip and a sore throat.

Jerry came to the rescue with this yummy dinner:

Salmon with a side of super garlicky lemon green beans and some leftover gratin.

The salmon was cooked perfectly. And I could have eaten a pound of green beans. One of my favorite vegetables.

Last night we whipped up a quick frittata for dinner.

Broccoli, cheddar, onion, and bacon:

I'm not sure if its because we didn't eat until 8:30 and I was starving, but this tasted amazing. I went back for another wedge.

I've also been snacking on these all week:

Whole wheat oatmeal chocolate chip.
I will admit, I even had these for breakfast a couple of times. I am a sucker for an oatmeal cookie!
I also tested out the convection bake on my oven, and was happy with the "brown on the outside/chewy in the middle" texture. Will have to test it out on cookies again.

Whew, I apologize for the food overload!
I should blog more regularly and then wouldn't have to bombard you all with a week's worth of meals.

Tonight Jerry and I are headed to the Utica Roadrunner's awards dinner. Rumor has it that someone has been nominated for an award!
Time to dress up the bump and put on my dancing shoes!

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