
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Erin Go Bragh!

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Jerry hung out my flag in honor of the holiday.
I made a BIG bowl of oats in honor of the holiday.
They weren't green, but they were tasty.

This was a mixture of rolled oats and oat bran. With some frozen raspberries and cottage cheese stirred in at the end.
I've been trying to add more protein to my diet and I have seen a few bloggers (like Kath) add cottage cheese to their oatmeal. I didn't think it changed the texture to much, but there was something about it I didn't love. Maybe it was the coconut sprinkled on top? I'd be willing to give it another try with a different flavor combination.

I may not be drinking beer, but I sure am going to be celebrating today!

Jerry and I are off to meet our new nephew, Carter! He arrived early last evening.
Congrats to the new parents, Jess and Jeremy!!!

Plus, my twin is is town, and that is always a reason to celebrate!

I'm off to see if I have a green shirt that still fits over my belly!

Go 'Cuse!

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