
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Marathon Recovery

On Tuesday night Jerry went out to dinner to celebrate his marathon.
We went to The Huddle on Main, one of our favorite 'fancy' restuarants.

We started with crab cakes.

I got the 'New England Hot Pot'.

A buttery broth with potatoes, sausage, clams, mussels, and haddock.
The broth was delicous, and I loved the mussels. The sausage added a good flavor, but wasn't my favorite. And the potatoes were actually a little undercooked.

Jerry's steak was my favorite.

While it was a little over done (he asked for med-rare and it was definitely medium), the sauce was incredible. It was an Ancho-Chile/Berry/Pinot Noir reduction. Yum!
After dinner we came home and I promptly fell asleep on the couch. At 8:45. And then I slept all the way to 6:30am!  Apparetnly Jerry running a marathon really tires me out.

Remember that my parents are moving?

Well their closing date keeps getting moved. So my poor Mom packed up her kicthen weeks ago, and is still living in it!
Yesterday Jerry and I brought dinner to them.
A London broil, a mozzarella/tomato/bail salad, and grilled portabellos.

I had my salad on top of my grilled mushroom, along with a little arugula.
So yummy!
Mom roasted potatoes on the side. I am still craving ketchup, and they tasted were wonderful and crispy.
I inhaled this and then managed to eat a little steak, too. Also covered in ketchup.

The whole meal tasted very 'summery', and I am glad grilling season is here again!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for that lovely weekday visit, kitchen will remained packed until SOMEBODY gives me a key to the new house!
    Next meal on paper plates :)
