
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Moving Day

Its moving day!

My parents officially closed on their new house yesterday.
Now we have one day to empty a house my family lived in for 25 years.

So far, I have managed not to get too emotional about the move*
I assume I will shed a few tears today as we say goodbye to my childhood home.
To me, it is a little sad, but mostly strange that Baby T will have no memories of that house. The house where nearly all of my memories were made!

Despite the 29 degree weather when I woke up this morning, I decided a smoothie in a bowl was the way to go for breakfast.

In the mix: 3/4cup milk, 1/2 container of blueberry Chobani, 1/3 cup frozen blueberries, 1/4 cup rolled oats, and 1 tsp chia seeds.

This combo seems to keep me full for hours. I think its the protein/chia seed mix. Or the sheer volume of it.
I topped it with a little cereal for crunch, and inhaled this in about 5 minutes.

I guess it is pretty convenient that I am about to be 8 months pregnant, no one really expects me to do any heavy lifting today.
So I have been assigned to picking out paint colors with Mom!

*I spoke too soon. I cried for a solid 5 minutes while writing this post. This could be a very long day!

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