
Friday, April 6, 2012

Sugar High

I've debating between lazing around most of the morning and getting my day going now. I thought making breakfast right away would give me a push in the latter direction.

Let's start with last night's dinner first.

Chicken Tortilla Soup, a Tylutki household staple.

The soup is simple: onion, jalapeno, garlic, cumin, oregano, diced tomatoes, chicken stock, corn, shredded chicken.
The best part is the toppings!
Lat night we topped with tortilla strips, lime juice, pepper jack cheese, avocado, and hot sauce.
I love the melty cheese and the crunchy tortillas.
Jerry and I both ate two big bowls of this.

I love that it is so versatile. Sometimes I add black beans to the soup. I often leave out the corn. Sometimes I fry my own tortillas. Jerry likes when I add chipotles to the soup so it has a nice smoky heat. Sometimes I add sour cream or yogurt to the top. The possibilities are endless!

Plus, if you are using frozen corn and leftover chicken, the whole thing comes together in about 40 minutes. A perfect weeknight soup.

We had some steamed asparagus on the side, because it had been hanging out in the fridge since Monday.
I chopped some leftovers to use in my breakfast this morning.

Two scrambled eggs with hot sauce and asparagus. This was tasty, but I missed the side of toast. 

I'm off to chug my glucose drink in about an hour, so I thought it best to avoid carbohydrates at breakfast.

Doesn't it look apetizing?
I've read that drinking this is the equivalent to eating 28 jelly beans. It's almost Easter and jelly beans are everywhere. Can't I just eat those?!

I'm off to start my weekend on a sugar high. Wheeeeee!

1 comment:

  1. Only a few more weeks until your shower! YAY!!!!!!!!!!
