
Friday, April 13, 2012

Weather Stalkers

I must confess.
I am failing miserably at preventing Jerry from checking Boston's weather for the 16th.

That is because they are currently predicting the weather to be in the 80s! I've seen forecasts from 78-84 and sunny. Not ideal marathon weather.
Do you think he'll notice if I delete the weather app from his phone?

Actually, that wouldn't help. I keep emailing him updates whenever I see a forecast that has a lower temperature.
I am such an enabler!

Since I can't control the weather, I might as well try and control the food.

Chicken fried rice was on the menu last night.

I made this for Jerry one day before a half marathon, when all I could find in the fridge was some leftover pork and an egg. Add some rice and some frozen veggies and you have yourself a meal.

I cooked up 4 servings (1 cup) of brown rice on Wednesday.

Last night all we had to do was chop a few small carrots, 1 large onion, a large chicken breast, and tons of garlic. Everything went into a hot wok with some canola oil to cook. Then I added some soy sauce (about 1/4 cup) and some freshly grated ginger.
Next I added one cup each of frozen corn, peas, and broccoli.
Once it was warm I stirred in the already cooked brown rice.
Finally, Jerry stirred in 2 beaten eggs.

Before we knew it, we had a mountain of food in under 30 minutes.

Topped with a little Sriracha, of course. Jerry added a little extra soy sauce, as well.

I love the texture the eggs give this rice at the end. It makes the dish almost kind of creamy.
If you prefer little pieces of cooked egg in your rice, don't stir right away. Let the eggs set a minute or two and then stir into your rice.
Leave out the chicken or add some tofu and this would be a great vegetarian meal, too.
You know me, I love meals where ingredients can be swapped out or substituted for whatever you have on hand. 

In addition to leftover rice, Jerry will be eating 2 bagels, a Chobani yogurt with granola, an apple, and a Clif bar today.

Dinner tonight is a pasta favorite of mine; baked ziti!

1 comment:

  1. The rice looks super delicious, its making me want some!
