
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Week 30 and Nursery Preview

10 weeks to go!

30 weeks

My 30 week photos were taken in a new location. The nursery!

We decided on white furniture and a pale green on the walls. 

Our new glider arrived yesterday. I love it! It is very comfortable and I love the green stripes.
(Thanks for the comfy place to sit, Nana!)

We put the crib in a dark little corner for now. We figured that would be ideal for sleeping.

When you enter the room, you see some windows and the dresser and changing table.

view from the door

view from the chair
We may do some furniture rearranging. Maybe switch the chair and the dresser?
I think the changing table will look excellent in my dining room when we are done using it in the nursery.

Her closet is to the right of the changing table.
And already getting full!!!

Her newborn/3 month clothes are on the bottom. Everything else is on the top. People have been so generous with clothes. And we haven't even had the baby shower yet!
Jer and I have managed to only buy 2 or three things, and probably won't buy anything else until after the shower.
I am looking forward to seeing the nursery once it is all put together. A lot of the accessories are pink, and I think it will look nice, but not too girly with the green and white.

Baby T:
This week baby is approximately 15.7 inches and weighs almost 3 pounds. compares her to a head of cabbage!
She wiggles all day, and still feels very low. Occasionally I feel like she is dancing on my bladder. Hiccups are still a regular occurrence, and still adorable.
Jerry still sings to her every night, and I swear she is starting to respond to his voice.

I am tired. I also caught another cold, which hasn't been helping matters.
I think I have gained about 22 pounds. I have been pretty consistently gaining 1 pound per week for the last few months.
I pretty much have heartburn from the minute I eat breakfast until the minute I fall asleep.
I am pretty sure last week's belly weirdness were Braxton Hicks contractions. Luckily they haven't been back.

I am very excited for our doctor's appointment tomorrow. We have our 3D ultrasound! I can't wait to see our little peanut. The bigger she gets, the stronger of a bond I feel with her. I hope she shows us her little face! I'm getting very anxious to meet her.

I can just picture myself holding her now!


  1. How sweet, Erin! The nursery looks so cute. :)

  2. cuteness overload! The room looks great and so do you :)

  3. It is the sweetest room for a princess.
    You will spend many hours there :)
    Love the full closet!

  4. You look so good! Love the nursery! Great colors!

  5. Thanks everyone!
    Can't wait for the shower so I can see everything in there!
