
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Baby T: 31 Weeks

It's basically 2 months until my due date!
July 2nd may sound far away, but it is only 9 weeks. Eeek!

18 weeks

Ah, me at 18 weeks pregnant. I was sure everyone could tell I was almost halfway through my pregnancy.
That bump sure looks minuscule next to this week's photo:

31 Weeks
Baby T: This week she is the about 16 inches long and the size of a pineapple. A pineapple!!! That seems huge to me.
At last week's ultrasound, they estimated her weight to be 3 pounds 9 oz. Most of her measurements were right on track, or 1-2 days ahead. The physicians assistant said she will be about 7.5-8 lbs at birth.
She was also folded in half, with her feet up by her head. She is currently breech (head up, butt down), but the sonogram technician said that is nothing to worry about for a few more weeks.
We also got to see her tiny little face and adorable nose! Mom says she looks like me. Dad says she looks like Lauren (my twin).
Very funny, Dad.

Me: Still tired. I make it through the day feeling pretty good at work, and then crash hard when I get home.
And the heartburn is getting really uncomfortable. I am at the max amount of meds I can take, and I still suffer. Just have to deal with it for 9 more weeks.
Still hovering around 22 pounds gained. I'm having a hard time fitting food in my stomach, so I continue to eat small meals throughout the day.
We started childbirth classes last week. I was really excited to go, I think it will make me feel more prepared about the whole childbirth process.
Jerry was a different story. He looked horribly uncomfortable when we went over things like 'dilation' and 'mucous plugs'.
He also said he is going to struggle when he sees me having contraction, and can't do anything to make me feel better. I thought that was sweet.

I'm also getting very excited for the Baby T's Shower!
It is this Sunday, and I can't wait to celebrate the impending arrival of our little Peanut with friends and family!


  1. You look amazing! You are all belly - and glowing! The next +\- 9 weeks will fly by (but probably seem to drag). Enjoy the birthing classes - and enjoy watching Jerry soak up all the new information ;) I can't wait to meet Baby T!!!

  2. you look great!enjoy your baby shower

  3. you look wonderful, think how close you are! I am getting pretty anxious for baby T, but enjoying this journey with you!
    Shower is going to be fun!

  4. i cant believe you are only 9 weeks till baby! That is soooo soon! Can't wait to see you this weekend!
