
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I forgot an important birthday this week.

Happy Blog Birthday to Hungry Heart!
I wrote my first posts this week last year. I can't believe this has been that long.
Thanks everyone, for following me this year on the blog!

Onto a lovely walk before some heavy rain rolled in last night.

My back has been bothering me and I thought maybe a leisurely stroll might help.

It didn't. Thank goodness I am headed to the chiropractor this morning. I'm looking forward to weekly appointments until Baby T comes.

For dinner I made some risotto. I have been craving asparagus, so why not hide it in something creamy and cheesy?
Standing in front of the stove for 45 minutes stirring this was probably not the best idea for my back, but it came out pretty tasty.

It also came out orange.

I blame the Trader Joe's vegetable broth I used. It was very orange and tasted strongly of carrot and tomato. Not my favorite.
But the risotto came out good, especially with some sweet little bay scallops floating around in there. And a splash of dry Rose that I stole a few sips of.
And plenty of  extra pecorino cheese!

We picked up some amazing looking farm fresh eggs from my sister in law Sara this weekend.
I'm thinking some sort of breakfast for dinner tonight. Maybe some sort of hash?

I can't get the thought of crispy potatoes with a side of kethcup out of my head....


  1. I now want crispy potatoes. Badly!

  2. I can't believe EHH is 1 year old! I hope it is around for many more :)

  3. If you're still craving asparagus, you totally owe it to yourself to try Smitten Kitchen's potato-asparagus-pancetta hash. Seriously delish! Google it. I could eat it every day.
