
Monday, May 28, 2012

Start of Summer

It sure feels like summer outside!

We have had a busy weekend so far. But I have managed to power through, after getting a solid 10 hours of sleep on Friday night.
Which is good, because Jerry and I are trying to cram a few last summer-y activities before the baby comes.

Saturday we went to Dinosaur BBQ and a Syracuse Chiefs game with our friends Kevin and Sara, and Kate and Brian.
(Check out the pic!)

Sunday was spent gardening and sitting in the sun with Nick and Melissa at their camp in Old Forge, NY.
While I didn't take many photos this weekend, of course I got an adorable one of Miss Josie J in her bathing suit.

After a quick stop at the grocery store Jerry and I threw together this delicious dinner last night.

A taco with leftover salmon (Friday take-out from Symeon's).

With homemade avocado cream and salsa.

avocado, lime juice, garlic, Greek yogurt

tomatoes, black beans, corn, red onion, parsley, garlic, jalapeno, lime juice

And since my body felt like waking at 5:30 this morning, I have already eaten a healthy local breakfast.

Heidelberg sunflower raisin bread with sunflower seed butter, and a cup of plain Chobani with blueberries.

Jerry and I are off to my parent's house today to start working on their housewarming gift, a vegetable garden!

Happy Memorial Day!

1 comment:

  1. it is the weekend that never ends!
    ready for planting, plenty of cold drinks and good food, and 2 barking helpers :)
