
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Baby T: Week 39

5 days until my due date!

Still feeling generally uncomfortable. My hands (especially my left) are really swollen and occasionally my fingers go numb. Lovely!
But I still have good days and not so good days. Yesterday I actually felt pretty great.

My insomnia has been much better lately, but I am finding I am have to change positions more frequently. Just hard to get comfortable these days!

Baby T is still wiggling like crazy, which is still amazing. Dr B. told us yesterday that she was about average size (7.5 lbs). She must be so squished in there!
Dr B. basically said I can go into labor any time, even though I feel pretty normal. He is also the doctor on call for the next 9 days, so I was pretty happy about that.

In the meantime we are just waiting.
I am starting to get anxious to meet our daughter.
Are you ready in there?!

We can't wait to see you!