
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Breakfast Dinner

Mmmmm, pancakes.

Unfortunately, this tasty dish was not this morning's breakfast.
But it was Thursday's dinner!

Cooked by this handsome chef:

These fluffy cakes were made with half whole wheat flour, half all purpose.
I spread sunflower butter between my 'cake layers and then topped them with frozen blueberries that I heated on the stove.

They tasted like a decadent peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Served with a side of bacon and a big scoop of Chobani blueberry yogurt.

It was a struggle to eat all of this, but I managed to clean my plate!
And I was only slightly jealous that Jerry topped his with a pool of maple syrup and runny farm fresh eggs.

I'm off in search of a breakfast half as delicious as this dinner.
Then it's (belated) spring cleaning in the Tylutki household!

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