
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bad Run and Birthday Fun

I did NOT have a good run this morning. The weather was perfect and my legs felt great. But my stomach did not. I only managed to get 2 miles in.

Mile 1: 10:26
Mile 2: 9:06

That 2nd mile was the fastest I ran all summer. Mostly because I was making a beeline for my bathroom.
I realize that this happens to most runners, but I was really disappointed I didn't get to finish my run. Jerry assured me that 1 mile was not going to throw a wrench into my training. I'm going to lay low this morning until my stomach is feeling better.

Yesterday, Jer and I headed up to a campground in the Adirondacks to celebrate my nephew's 7th birthday. I love Wednesday's that include canoeing, campfires, my nieces and nephews, and birthday pie!

My beautiful nieces
Birthday Boy!

My nephews roasting marshmallows
Is there a better way to spend a 7th birthday?


  1. I can't think of a better way to spend a Wednesday!

  2. kids and a campfire, I want those days back !
    fun hump day and i hope you are feeling better ;)
