
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Chipotle Dip

What happened to summer? This morning I woke up to pretty thick fog.

I kind of wished I was out running through it. Instead, I ran yesterday afternoon and it was hot! But it turned out to be one of my fastest runs yet, 4 miles at a 9:46 pace.

I spent the remainder of the evening surveying our haul of vegetables. I washed, prepped, and made a few side dishes for the remainder of the week.
We found some adorable baby carrots that we had pulled from the garden on Sunday, so we ate those along with grilled salmon and potatoes for dinner.

How cute are those carrots?

The carrots were sauteed in olive oil, salt and pepper.
The "fries" were served with an avocado dip. I microwaved two white potatoes for 2 minutes. I let them cool a little and cut them into big wedges. I drizzled them with canola oil and grill seasoning. I actually have no idea how long they are on the grill, since that is Jerry's realm. Maybe he will share in the comments :)

Chipotle Dip (with Avocado)
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 ripe avocado (optional)
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1-2 tsp chipotles in adobo, minced
  • 1 small clove of garlic, or 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • salt and pepper
Simply mix everything together in a bowl and dip anything you can get your hands on.

We love to dip oven or grill fries into Chipotle Dip. I frequently make it without the avocado (just add more yogurt or mayo). I can pretty much get Jerry to eat anything, as long as it is served with Chipotle Dip. It is delicious on chips, crackers, raw veggies, and as a sandwich spread. It is cool and creamy, and smoky and spicy at the same time. Such a winning combination.
I feel like this dip must have already been on the blog, since we make it so frequently. It is so good it deserves two posts.

Happy Dipping!


  1. The fries were a breeze to grill - once the grill is up to temperature, turn down to medium heat. Grill the potato fries ~5 minutes each side over direct medium heat, flipping once. Grilling time will vary if you have cold spots on your grill or if the wedges are bigger.

  2. I will be dipping the ingredients :)
    I am happy it felt like summer today.
