
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's Easy Being Green

I'm up to my ears in greens over here! And pretty darn happy about it.
Jerry and I raided my father-in-law's garden on Sunday and came home with a giant bag of red Swiss chard and two bags of lettuce. After de-stemming and cleaning, we were left with enough chard for 12 people. Good thing Jerry loves chard. Er, right. It's ok, because my plan was to serve it with onions and cover it in cheese. Works every time.

Our Meatless Monday menu consisted of braised red chard with garlic, onions and tomatoes, served on top of Gorgonzola polenta. And since I am always concerned about making sure Jerry gets enough protein, I put a big dollop of part-skim ricotta on top.

All the chard, after it cooked waaay down

The polenta was made according to package directions (sub milk for water/broth) and when it was done I mixed in 2oz of crumbled Gorgonzola. The flavor was very subtle and just gave a nice bite to the creamy polenta. 
The ricotta just had some fresh parsley mixed in.
I also made myself another Pina Colada martini.

This was well deserved after a sweaty TurboKick class. The flavors of this did not pair well with dinner at all. Shockingly, I didn't seem to care :)
Stay tuned this week for posts about what to do with your summer squash, my 2nd attempt at Blueberry Crisp, and a list of my favorite healthy living things!


  1. I needed advice on Swiss chard, and now I have another use for gorgonzola cheese (which I love only in moderation) -thank you!

  2. Cook the chard a little longer than you would spinach. Jerry only likes blue cheese in moderation, too. He barely noticed it was in there. I would eat the whole wedge!

  3. uh count me in on the 12 people who could eat your greens!
