
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sous Chef

Summer is obviously the best season for fresh fruits and vegetables. It is so nice to have in-laws that have a large garden, and a farm stand right down the street from us. And yesterday we ordered this load of vegetables from the Hamilton College Community Farm. We filled out an order form and they delivered the veggies right to Jerry's office. They grow tons of heirloom varieties, and these were the most beautiful vegetables!

On the left is Dinosaur (lacinato) kale. Then purple and green basil. Next is the Sanguine Ameliore lettuce, and then Red Oak lettuce. And how gorgeous are those beans?!

I had ordered yellow wax beans, but they ran out. So they substituted these Dutch heirloom variety, Dragon's Lingerie. They were delicious. I snacked on a few after BodyPump.

Jerry was the chef at our house last night. Sometimes (ok, ok always) it is hard for me to let Jerry (or anyone) cook. I have a hard time "letting go" of my kitchen. I follow him around, turning down burners, critiquing his knife cuts, seasoning his food. I imagine it is rather annoying. Ok, I know it is annoying! But last night I think I played the part of sous chef fairly well.
Jer made Philly steak sandwiches. Shredded beef, peppers and onions, and covered in cheese. They were excellent. I had salad on the side.

I swear there is beef under there!
Not only did Jerry make great sandwiches, he even made dessert! He made a blueberry crisp with the remainder of the berries I picked last week.
He even got all fancy and cut up a peach for the top.

Blueberry Crisp
  • 4 cups blueberries
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 8 Tbls cold butter, cubed
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup chopped nuts, optional
Put blueberries in a 1 1/2 quart baking dish, or 8x8 pan. Combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add the butter, and cut in with a knife of fork until the topping looks crumbly. You want there to be pea-sized pieces of butter left.  Pour on to blueberries. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes.

This recipe has lots of topping (Jerry's favorite part). If you want to make it a little healthier, just cut back on the topping. 

I took the photos of the crisp this morning, and it was very hard not to eat it for breakfast. I placated myself with adding a little brown sugar and some blueberries to my overnight oats. I'm sure it tasted just as good  :)


  1. Way to go Jerry, you should let go of kitchen privileges more often Erin! Let's see a picture of him in an apron :)

  2. Hey, it's Manda214 from LS! Everything you make looks delicious :) And, I am very jealous that your husband knows how to cook anything, as my husband's skills end at the grill, lol. I am looking forward to following your blog!

  3. Thanks Amanda! My husband is pretty good in the kitchen when I let him in there!
