
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday Fun

How much fun can you pack into one Saturday? Turns out, a lot!
Yesterday morning Jerry ran the Bolder Inspiration 5 mile road race. Then we went wine tasting in the Finger Lakes with my sister-in-law and her husband, Jess and Jeremy. Then we were off to Canandaigua to see an O.A.R. concert. Despite a little rainy weather, the day turned out great.
I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Trenton Falls, NY
Leader from the start of the race....
.... all the way to the end!
I enjoyed a snack, post-race.
Winner and proud wife
Lucas, our favorite Finger Lakes vineyard
Bully Hill, one of Jess' favorite vineyards
view from Bully Hill
Keuka Lake

When we got to Canandaigua, the skies cleared up in time for some tailgating.
A little football
Jess brought healthy snacks!
We enjoyed a few brews before the show
And had Dinosaur BBQ when we got inside.
Unfortunately my phone died so I didn't get any pics of the concert. O.A.R. is one of mine and Jerry's favorite bands. We sang our hearts out and I crashed hard on the car ride home. Thanks for a fun day, Jess and Jeremy!

I may have a little too much fun yesterday, and  I am moving in slow motion this morning. My goals for the day are set pretty low; a run, stock the fridge with healthy food, and plan out some meals for the week.

We are having dinner with Mom tonight, and she is testing out a new Recipea!


  1. way to pack a day with fun!
    recipea: thai veggie burgers :)

  2. This was such a fun day! More wineries next time :)
