
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Caffeine and Beer

Is there a better way to spend a lazy Sunday morning than drinking one of these?

When I got up this morning, I decided to (literally) dust off our espresso maker. We don't use it very often in the summer, but I was in the mood for a cappuccino.
My first attempt resulted in me making an Americano. I hit the hot water button instead of the frothed milk button. (Our machine will also steam milk for a latte). I will just let the Americano cool to make an iced coffee with later today.
My second attempt was a success.

 I made a double (two shots of espresso) cappuccino and added a tiny bit of sugar. Ahh, caffeinated perfection.

A big thunderstorm rolled through right after I took these photos. Which resulted in a coonhound becoming plastered to my leg for the next 15 minutes.

Scared Sadie

Half Marathon Training
Yesterday's long run was great! Although it was insanely humid, it was also overcast. When it comes to running, I will take humid over sunny any day.
I met my cousins Tracy and Michele for a 9 mile run on the canal path in the morning. It is so much fun having two new running partners. We ran an easy 10:22 pace, and chatted non-stop. The time and miles seemed to fly by! It was my most enjoyable run of the summer, by far. Thanks, Ladies!

I ended up doing 4 workouts this week for a total of 18.5 miles.
Next week I am planning four runs: 5, 3, 3, and 11 for a total of 22 miles. The race is only 3 weeks away!

After my run I helped Jerry time a local college cross country meet. Aside from running a million miles, he also has a race timing company as a side project.
It was HOT, but the race went smoothly.

Women's race at the 5th Annual SUNY IT Cross Country Invitational

I finished off my Saturday with a Dogfish Head Punkin Ale.

My parents spent last week visiting my aunt and uncle in Rehoboth Beach, DE. Dogfish had just released their Punkin, and Mom and Dad brought some home for us. It is one of my most favorite beers.

One of my favorite things about fall is all the pumpkin flavored goodies you can find. Coffee, baked goods, soups, etc. And pumpkin beer is one of my favorites.

I challenged Jerry to a taste test experiment this fall. We are going to taste and review every pumpkin beer we can find. I will review them all here on the blog. I am so excited for this experiment!

Do like pumpkin beer? What are your favorites?


  1. Of course Dogfish from the tap is my favorite...spoiled with family in Rehoboth cuz I get to have it every season. I think this years batch is awesome...remember the clove-y brew of 2009? Yuck.
    Can't wait to hear your reviews.

  2. Yes, I hate pumpkin beers that are all spice, no pumpkin!
