
Friday, September 2, 2011

Hello September, Goodbye Zucchini

I've been wondering what to do with the last of my zucchini. Then this recipe appeared on Smitten Kitchen for Zucchini Fritters. They became Wednesday night's dinner.

Fritters with an egg and Sriracha
Mine were not nearly as pretty as Deb's. Nor were my photos.

The flavor of these were excellent.
The texture was not.
I am guessing I did not cook them long enough, because they came out a little gummy. Not really crispy on the outside, and definitely doughy in the middle. Fortunately, Jerry loves all food with a soft, doughy texture. He loved them. As a side to his lasagna, of course.

I will definitely make these again, after realizing these things:
  1. The cast iron pan is apparently important. I made the first batch in a stainless steel pan. They came out crispy, but stuck to the bottom. I switched to anodized after that, and I think that is why they were brown, but not crispy. 
  2. I made them too thick. This is probably why the middles didn't cook very well.
  3. I only put them in the oven for a few minutes. Next time I would do the full 10 minutes that is suggested, maybe longer.
I was having hard time finding the motivation to run yesterday afternoon. Which was strange, since I was only running 2 miles. So I pulled out the my half marathon shirt from last year to inspire me.

Can you see the word HALF on this shirt?
It is in the tiniest font ever, just to the left of the very large MARATHON.  I always found that kind of funny. And I appreciate it :)
This shirt also used to be tight on me, but fits just fine now! I have officially lost 20 pounds since February.

I finished my 2.3 miles in 22:15. A 9:30 pace, pretty good for 2 miles.
I'm psyching myself up for another 8-9 mile run on Saturday morning.
Maybe with a guest running partner!