
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Camping - Part I

Jerry and I spent a lovely weekend at Nick's Lake camping with Sadie.
Besides the food, the highlight of the weekend for me was a hike up Bald Mountain. It is a relatively short hike with really wonderful views.

A family hike!

the trail
Hiking buddies, Kevin and Matt

I somehow made my shaking legs climb the fire tower at the top
Jer and Sadie, enjoying the view
The Adirondack Mountains

Sadie ended up being a very good hiker/camper. We had never taken her before, but besides her hatred of water and love of barking at ducks, she was very well behaved.

She hung out by the fire
Napped on her bed
Dipped a toe in the lake
Begged for a marshmallow
And was generally adorable
More camping pics to come. Including fooooood!


  1. The pictures of Sadie are adorable. I especially like the begging for marshmallow picture.

  2. what beautiful pictures!
    I do love the Bald Mountain hike but never climbed the tower. Adirondacks are the best. Yay Sadie for being good.
