
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Camping - Part II

Jerry and I tried to pack light for our camping trip. Jerry was getting ready preparing for a road race he was timing Saturday morning, and even told me I could do the packing.
We decided to only bring paper plates and cook sandwiches over the fire, using our Coleman Camp Cooker.
(I would also like to note that when we got there, I realized Jerry had re-packed everything. Not surprised.)

We had a great waterfront campsite.

With a little path that led down to the lake, as well as a little private beach.

Nick's Lake

For dinner we roasted hot dogs over the fire and made chili dogs with Amy's Organic Spicy Chili.
Chili dogs may be the best camp food ever.

The weekend was spent hiking, kayaking, reading, eating, and drinking many beers.

Matt and Kevin, at dusk
Fog on the lake after a very chilly night
Breakfast; peanut butter and jelly toasted over the fire
Lunch: grilled cheese and tomato with pasta salad

Reading by the fire
Signs of fall everywhere
This was a great way to end the summer.
The best thing I ate all weekend (besides that chili dog) was dessert. After my hot dog was long gone, I put some Nutella, marshmallow, and chocolate into the hobo pie maker. It was too dark to take a picture, but trust me. Best. Sandwich. Ever.

Now its on to Fall, my most favorite season.
The season of pumpkin and hearty soups. Of sweaters and cute boots.
Bring it on!

Are you happy or sad to see summer go?


  1. Ready for this summer to be over. Fall is the best, cooler weather, leaves changing, apple cider and octoberfest! Plus no more long runs on Saturday.

  2. Sad only because I Love Fall but it means winter and I am not a fan of winter...maybe cute boots and awesome sweaters will help.
