
Friday, October 21, 2011

Lazy Phase

It seems as though lately I have been doing more napping than working out. I have encountered a solid three weeks of laziness.
And Jerry has the evidence to prove it.

I haven't been busy working up a sweat, but I have been busy in the kitchen.
On Wednesday night I made roasted butternut squash soup.

We ate this with some Greek yogurt stirred in for protein, and with some garlic croutons and pumpkin seeds on top.
And a glass of Riesling.

Pretty sweet for a dry Riesling

Yesterday I had every intention of doing a strength training DVD.
Instead, I baked cookies.

Pumpkin cookies, to be exact.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

They ended up tasting very similar to my Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread.
Which definitely isn't a bad thing, but I could have just made another batch of bread.
Jerry gave them two thumbs way up. 

Fish was on the menu for dinner last night.
And I don't know about you, but I like to buy my fish the day I am going to eat it. There is nothing worse than opening your fridge and getting a whiff of fish. Gross.
The only fish that looked decent at the fish counter yesterday was cod.
I was hoping for some wild salmon, but all they had was Atlantic. Not only is wild salmon more sustainable, I firmly believe that it tastes much better. I'll have to pick up some salmon next week.

I made a francaise-style meal out of the fish. This is something I do with chicken frequently. Despite the fish falling apart a little, it tasted pretty good.

I dipped the fish in flour, then into egg. I pan fried it until it was brown, then removed it. I made a sauce with some lemon juice, zest, and chicken stock. I tossed my asparagus in the pan and then put the fish on top. I simmered it on low with the lid on until the fish was cooked through.
I added lots of fresh parsley, and served it over mashed potatoes.

My goal this weekend is to get TWO quality workouts in. I may even attempt to run on Sunday, to see how my foot feels.

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