
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

22 Week Update

Happy Leap Day!

And Happy 22 weeks to Baby T!

22 weeks

4 weeks apparently makes a huge difference!

18 weeks
My photographer got a little silly during this week's photo, but I was pleasantly pleased to see that I look relatively normal from the front angle.
A least my belly does....

I love my goofball husband :)
Baby T: is currently 11.5 inches and weighs 1 pound and 1 ounce!
I can feel her on a daily basis now, and it still hasn't gotten old. It is the best feeling!
During our sonogram yesterday she was moving all over the place. The technician said it was because she had hiccups! It was so adorable to see her little belly move.

Me: As you can tell, my belly has gotten noticeably larger in the past few weeks. I have also noticed a few other things...
I've noticed a few stretch marks on my hips. I've noticed a fine layer of hair on my belly. And I've noticed that my belly button gets more shallow by the day.
Recently, I have to get up to go to the bathroom during the night. Looks like no more sleeping through the night for me.
Otherwise I feel generally great!
I went through a rough spell of heartburn a few weeks ago, but my doctor recommended Pepcid, and that really seems to help.  Luckily I only have to take it once or twice a week.

Weight: I got weighed at the doctor's office yesterday and was up 11 pounds. I'm really pleased with that number. If I continue to gain one pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy, I will end up right in the middle of the suggested 25-35 pound weight gain.
I have also managed to get some good time in on the treadmill in the past few weeks. I've been walking just over 2 miles in 45 minutes, or I spend 30 minutes on the elliptical. I've managed to do this about 4 days a week, and hope to keep it up.

Cravings: Strawberries and chai tea.

I finally searched the tea aisle of the grocery store and found a decaf with no star anise (questionable for pregnant ladies).

Stash Chai Spice Decaf
I am currently enjoying this cup with milk and sugar. And an Oatmeal Almond Joy Bar!
Stay tuned for a recipe coming soon!

And congrats to Hungry Heart for hitting 10,000 page views! 
Thanks to everyone who follows the blog :)

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