
Monday, February 27, 2012

Girlfriends: Past, Present, and Future!

Where did the weekend go?

First let's back track to last weekend.
I got to hang out with this lovely bunch of ladies and their adorable babies.

I went to high school with Liz, Melissa, and Emily. And they all had daughters last year!

Melissa and Emily are still two of my closest friends, and it has been so nice to see their little ones grow.

Eila, Lilly, and Josie
Its also nice to know that Baby T will have girlfriends growing up!

It is such a great experiene to watch my friends become mothers. They are both such inspitrations as parents to me.

Emily and Melissa also lent me huge tubs of maternity clothes. I am so grateful! It was getting frustrating working with such a limited wardrobe. Now I feel like I can go shopping in my own closet!

I also picked their brains about what to register for. Babies need so much stuff, and they were full of useful tips.

I have tons of baby related reading to do.


Some Jerry and I bought, some were gifts, some borrowed. Plus I have 2 more on my Kindle!

My friend Denny also joined in on the baby fun last weekend. He is celebrating the addition of a niece to his family. Congrats, Uncle Denny!

Already, our lives becoming overrun by babies, thoughts of babies, and books about babies. And that's just fine with me for now.

On a completely seperate note, I am becoming obsessed with oatmeal again. Check out this epic bowl I made on Saturday.

Ever since Jerry had my Valentine's surprise delivered to me at work, I have been craving strawberries. I've been buying them every week. Great on my afternoon Greek yogurt or morning oatmeal.
After this photo I stirred them into my oats so they were a little warm. So good with the mountain of Wild Squirrel Curious Cocoa-Nut Peanut Butter hiding underneath. I am obsessed with this peanut butter, and have to find out where my Mom bought it. 
I had an identical bowl on Sunday morning.

Baby T is officially 22 weeks today, and I will post an update after our appointment on Tuesday.

Happy Monday!


  1. It seems like yesterday my girlfriends lined up our babies on a couch for pictures!You and your sisters/brother included. I am still friends with those girlfriends, hope you always have their support.

  2. I hope so too!
    Now where did you get that Wild Squirrel peanut butter?!
