
Monday, February 20, 2012

Cheese is Good

I've often thought that I could be a vegetarian.

From the ages of 15-23 I rarely ate any meat besides chicken.
And while I enjoy the occasional steak, and really enjoy seafood, I think being a vegetarian is something I could embrace.

Being vegan is a whole different story.

I can't imagine a life void of cheese.

I know cheese is not exactly a health food, so I try my hardest to eat it in moderation.

Except in this Baked Macaroni and Gouda dish.

I made it ever-so-slightly healthier by using skim milk and whole wheat pasta. I also use 4 tablespoons of butter and flour instead of 6.

But I didn't skimp on the 3/4 pound of grated Gouda.
A girl can only make so many sacrifices.

I started by caramelizing three yellow onions.

I cooked mine on a pretty low flame for almost an hour, and ended up with the 1 1/2 cups of onions the recipe calls for.

In the meantime I made myself a refreshing 'mock-tail'.

A little citrus seltzer, a squeeze of lime, and a splash of Simply Lemonade with Mango.
The mango lemonade is delicious!
Jerry even saw my drink and made himself the same (with a little gin).

Making a cheese sauce is a necessity for a good mac n' cheese.

I love how the Gouda melts right in.

I added a can of drained diced tomatoes in addition to the turkey sausage.

This takes a while to make, but is totally worth it when you have the time.

Check out that cheese!

I have made this mac n' cheese 5 or 6 times over the past few years, and I swear that every time I make it Jerry falls in love with me a little more. 
He is very excited for leftovers this week. And it makes a LOT of leftovers.

If you happen to not like smoked cheese, you can sometimes find regular Gouda. Or a good old sharp cheddar would be great, too. 

While I have decreased the amount of meat in my diet, I have no plans to go vegetarian right now.  

Right now, I'll take more cheese, please.

1 comment:

  1. We made this yesterday! It is soo good the onions are key and Brett added mushrooms :)
