
Friday, February 17, 2012

Cheap Eats

Since Jerry and I splurged on a fancy meal out this week, I tried to make the rest of our dinners fairly budget friendly.
I did so by using lots of staples and some miscellaneous items from the freezer.

The best of the meals was this pulled pork:

I defrosted a pork butt from the freezer on Sunday night.
We put the pork in the slow cooker on Wednesday morning with some sliced onions, a little Dinosaur barbecue sauce, and a splash of water. By the time we got home from work the house smelled wonderful and it was ready to be pulled.
Jerry removed some of the fat and put the pulled pork back into the slow cooker. We added some more Sensuous Slathering Sauce and put it on warm until we were ready to eat.
I had a simple salad on the side with a homemade mustard vinaigrette; whole grain mustard, honey, garlic olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

This was so tasty I ate the exact same thing for dinner again last night. That's the nice thing about pulled pork. An $8 cut of meat can feed us for at least 6 meals.

Some other dinners from this week included lemon artichoke risotto with peas.

Everything from this meal was found in my pantry or freexer.
It was not my prettiest or tastiest risotto, but I was excited that there were 2 vegetables in there. I still haven't been eating as many veggies as I should while pregnant. Salads are about the only greens that appeal to me lately. I try to sneak as many in as I can.
This has also been great leftovers that I have been eating for lunches.

We also had really yummy pizzas.

I made a quick homemade sauce and added spinach and mozzarella to a multi grain crust.
Next time I would pre-cook this crust, but I kind of enjoyed its chewiness. It is a Hannaford brand pizza dough and I would highly recommend it.

What is your favorite budget friendly meal?

1 comment:

  1. I love taking black beans, mushing them up with whatever taco-y spices Kevin grabs, then making a cheeseless quesadilla with them. We always have beans and tortillas in the house so it's a great inexpensive and quick meal.
