
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Date Night

Could a girl ask for a more handsome Valentine than this?

We headed to Cafe Canole for dinner, and the food was excellent! The service was a little slow (who starts a new waiter on a holiday?!) but I didn't really mind.

For an appetizer I ordered the Stewed Moules Frittes. It was basically a big bowl of mussels in wine sauce with french fries on the side.

I loved these, and could have just eaten them as my dinner.
The Chardonnay broth had smoked bacon and onions, and we pretty much dipped everything we could find on the table into it.
If I had to pick a favorite seafood, it would be a tie between mussels and scallops.

Jerry chose a crab cake for his appetizer.

It was served or a salad of shredded radicchio, onions, red peppers, and kalamata olives. On the side was a balsamic reduction. The crab cake was crispy on the outside and moist on the inside. I really enjoyed the slightly bitter salad, and Jerry enjoyed dipping the crab into the mussel broth.

In between courses I stole a sip of Chianti.

It tasted wonderful! I don't really mind the no-drinking aspect of pregnancy, unless we are out at a restaurant. I am sick of drinking ice water, so I ordered myself a club soda with a splash of cranberry.

Dinner was a 10oz filet mignon in a red wine demi-glace, with asparagus and roasted Gorgonzola potatoes.

The demi-glace on the beef was amazing. Pretty sure it was just butter and reduced wine.
I ordered my steak Medium-Well, since you are not supposed to eat under cooked meat while pregnant (I just couldn't bring myself to order it well done).
Before my steak came I asked Jerry if he thought it would be as good as Medium Rare. He looked at me and flat out said, "Nope".
I burst out laughing. I appreciated his honesty.
And even though it was just the slightest bit pink in the middle, it was still nice and tender. Had I ordered it more rare, this would have been the best steak I have ever eaten.

Jerry's dinner was beautiful. He ordered an encrusted swordfish steak over wilted spinach, topped with sun dried tomatoes and a large shrimp.

He liked the fish, but the shrimp was overcooked. (That is a pet peeve of his).
He has a big pile of my potatoes and half of his fish for leftovers today.

Since we ordered so much food, neither of us was really in the mood for dessert.
But that's ok, I had dessert delivered to me at work today!

A 'bouquet' of chocolate covered strawberries!
So cute, and delicious!
My Valentine spoils me on a daily basis, but I felt especially lucky yesterday.

Hope you all had a Valentine's Day as nice as mine!

*I was so proud that I got over my fear and took all of these photos at the restaurant!


  1. Yummo! I've never been to Cafe Canole, but your lovely review makes me hungry and anxious to go! :)

  2. Drool. The mussels look amazing! I am so excited that you took pictures- way to go!

  3. I love the Nole's! They do it right! Love Jerry's "nope" comment. lol.

  4. So glad you decided to take pictures, everything looks so good! I definitely need to get to the Cafe next time I am in UT :)

  5. yum and more yum...gorgonzola potatoes? yes please.
    quiet leisurely dinners can be nice....oh you did not throw out the kale from your "dessert" berries did you? :)

  6. I can't say enough about the mussels.

    Ridiculous: This was the same restaurant (different name) that I got that amazing bouillabaisse. I wish that was still on the menu!

    Mom: I did throw it out! As you know, kale does not agree with this pregnancy :)

  7. Good to know, Kevbo and I really liked that place.
