
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Halfway to Baby T

Happy Valentine's Day!

And happy halfway mark until Baby T comes!
I can't believe the pregnancy is half over. Sometimes it feels like it is going by quickly, and sometimes it feels. so. slow. 

20 Week Update:
14 Weeks
What a difference 6 weeks makes!

20 Weeks

Baby T: is almost 10 inches and weighs 10 1/2 ounces. She is about the size of a banana! And I can definitely feel her move, which is amazing!

Weight: My doctor's scale gave me a weird number (it said I lost weight, I disagree). But my at home scale is consistently showing a 9-10 pound weight gain.

Cravings: Still loving avocados. And ice cream.

We finally decided on nursery furniture and bought it last week. So excited for it to arrive!
Now we are on to the difficult task of picking names. We have about 4 we really like, but we won't be sharing them until Baby T arrives :)

I hope everyone has a lovely V-day.
Jerry and I are off to dinner tonight at Cafe Canole.  I have been drooling over their menu all week. I'm in the mood for seafood, and am hoping for a fabulous Italian pastry for dessert!

I may even work up the nerve to take a few pics!


  1. I love bananas even more now! Hurry up summer, I'm sooooo excited!

  2. You could not be cuter!
    Half way, seems impossible.
    Definitely want to see your yummy dinner.
