
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Great (Grill) Weather

I'm getting spoiled by this weather. I sure hope spring sticks around!

Mom and I got a killer 3.2 mile walk in yesterday afternoon. And I got 2.5  miles in on Monday. I'm actually feeling a little sore!

And Jerry has been manning the grill all this week.

Grilled asparagus and pork tenderloin. With a side of my favorite summer time pasta salad, Giada's Tri-Colore Orzo. I know I have mentioned this pasta salad before. I am obsessed and make it 4-5 times a summer.

Jerry has become a pro at grilling pork tenderloin. Super moist with a nice char on the outside. I could eat it every night.


Barbecued chicken thighs with a side of grilled red pepper, onion, and zucchini.

I really love grilled zucchini. 
Chicken thighs are not my favorite (I prefer breast) but I happily ate this covered in Dinosaur BBQ Wango Tango Sauce.  

Tonight I'm thinking maybe we should break out our summertime staple:
Grilled pizza!

This morning I am off to the chiropractor. 

As you may remember, I have had chronic tailbone pain for a year and a half. 
Once I got pregnant, Dr E shifted focus to my lower back and pelvis. He claims that regular chiropractics during pregnancy can help lead to an easier and faster labor and delivery. He does this by keeping my back and hips aligned, and opening my pelvis.
My doctor has many pregnant patients, and keeps updating me whenever one of them has a baby. 
He claims a few were only in labor for an hour, and one woman had an 8 lb baby in 3 pushes. 
I keep telling him not to get my hopes up!

So far I have enjoyed seeing the chiro while pregnant. It seems to help with lower back pain. 
And as for my tailbone, it feels a lot better. 
But Dr E has made me fully aware that it is nothing he has done, it is a pregnancy hormone that relaxes your joints that have caused the improvements. 

The improvement may only be temporary, but I'll take it!

1 comment:

  1. I was just telling my husband how we need to grill pizza every Friday this summer. I just love how the crust turns out on the grill. Everything looks delicious and I'm glad you are feeling better :)
