
Friday, March 23, 2012

Dinner with the New Addition

Had another bout of pregnancy insomnia last night. Woke up at 3, and didn't fall back to sleep until some time in the 5am hour.
Its one of those mornings I long for a nice cup of coffee. Ok, I would kill for a cup of coffee.
I would say coffee is what I miss most while being pregnant.

It looks like the sunshine and 75 degree weather has left us for now. I suppose we couldn't ask it to stick around for all of March.
We took advantage of the last warm night and grilled pizzas with the Charles family.

Jerry made the pizzas.

I had more important things to do.
Like hold this guy!

 Baby Carter! He is 6 days old now and beyond adorable. And the new parents could not be more in love!

Jess had just fed and changed him, so I got to hold him for a long time. 
I was so tense holding a newborn that my arms started to ache after a while. But I could have stared at him all night. (Ok, I kind of did...)

Jess took him back to feed him while I devoured my pizza. 

Mine: ricotta with sliced tomatoes and basil. Arugula on top.

Leftover BBQ chicken and grilled vegetables with mozz

These were delicious. Nice and crispy on the outside. I really liked the fresh tomato/basil combination. Will have to make that again.

It is so nice to see my sister & brother in law with their new addition. While I am sure there are moments they are overwhelmed, they are loving being parents. Its also giving me some perspective on what it is like to have a newborn. 
Basically, their days are filled with feeding, diaper changing, and getting him to sleep. Repeated many many times throughout the day.
I guess this does not surprise me, I just feel a tiny bit more prepared for what Jerry and I are in for. 

And it makes me anxious to meet our little one! Do I really have to wait 15 more weeks?!

Thanks for dinner, Charles family!

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